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Dark Moon Goddess - Capricorn

Dark Moon Goddess - Capricorn

Best evening for ritual: December 26 (Friday)

Theme: Finding Your Discipline

Mercury and Saturn (and, less intensely, Jupiter) are collaborating now to develop a clear recipe for making things work and getting things done.

The Sun and Moon are united now in seeking to make a difference, and Mars is enlisted to help, although his influence is on the wane now. There is an opportunity now, however, to settle into useful habits and basically “get your act together”.

This requires some self-examination and some insight into our own style of working and organizing time. Divination tonight can be helpful if you need a clearer picture of what your daily routine should look like, or what steps you need to chart out on your way to your goal.

Questions for this Moon:

How do I keep myself on track?
What old habit do I need to drop?
What new habit do I need to acquire?
What is the relationship between process and goal?

For more on upcoming full moons and dark moons, see Moon Magic at Starweaver’s Gems from Earth and Sky.

Moon Goddess - Gemini

Moon Goddess - Gemini

Best evening for ritual: December 11 (Thursday)

Theme: Finding the Vital Alternative

This Moon is charged with tension. The change we desire seems impossible or impractical, and thinking through the pros and cons leaves us even more confused. Saturn’s determination to keep us grounded and focused on the result seems like harsh and arbitrary interference.

Out of this tension and confusion, a new alternative must be created. Instead of doing what you desire, or doing what you feel obliged to do, do what is to be done. Something not thought of yet, that acknowledges the diverging choices we face, but replaces them with something new, something that answers all the questions at once.

Use this Moon to make yourself willing and open to a new approach. Trust that it will manifest and speak clearly after you have completed your magical work tonight.

Affirmations for this Moon:
A new answer is waiting for me.
I can see the invisible path.
My hand finds the secret door.
I create unforseen possibilities.

For more on upcoming full moons and dark moons, see Moon Magic at Starweaver’s Gems from Earth and Sky.

Dark Moon Goddess - Sagittarius

Dark Moon Goddess - Sagittarius

Best evening for ritual: November 26 (Wednesday)
Theme: Focusing the Searchlight

This Dark Moon occurs at the time of a quadruple conjunction of Moon, Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a sign of exploration and discovery, and right now there is a lot of strong personal energy coming together with that intention.

The impulses to explore that these Sagittarius planets are now prompting us with merge tonight into a clear picrture of a single destination or target.

Divination work tonight should give renewed clarity and focus to your learning and seeking. Whether through travel, higher education, or spiritual work, you are searching for something new and meaningful. Ask the Moon tonight to show you what you will find at the end of the journey.

Questions for this Moon:

What do I seek?
What treasure will I find at the end of my quest?
What vision awaits on the horizon?
Where will my learning take me?

For more on upcoming full moons and dark moons, see Moon Magic at Starweaver’s Gems from Earth and Sky.

Moon Goddess - Taurus

Moon Goddess - Taurus

Best evening for ritual: November 12 (Wednesday)

Theme: Building Permanent Security

This Full Moon finds the Sun and Moon forming a strong, symmetrical kite pattern with Jupiter and Saturn. It’s a rare opportunity: the forces of creation and constraint allied in the service of our conscious and unconscious needs. The Sun is closely and symmetrically flanked by Mars and Mercury, not closely enough to be strongly connected to the pattern, but creating some additional context.

A Taurus Moon is about stability and physicality; persistence and pleasure. It can manifest something desirable and keeping it safe and sound for continued enjoyment.

This is a time when you can put some passion and emotional energy into securing your accomplishments on the material plane. Although nothing lasts forever, tonight you can make something strong and durable for yourself – something that may last months, years, or a lifetime. It can be a new career, a new home, a lifestyle shift; it’s up to you.

Affirmations for this Moon:

What I build now endures.
I am rock of constancy.
I am master of accomplishment.
I have everything I need.

For more on upcoming full moons and dark moons, see Moon Magic at Starweaver’s Gems from Earth and Sky.

Dark Moon Goddess (Scorpio)

Dark Moon Goddess (Scorpio)

Dark Moon in Scorpio, October 28, 5:15 pm

Best evening for ritual: October 28 (Tuesday)

Theme: Into the Churning Passions

This Dark Moon finds the five other planets in a strong and strangely symmetric aspect pattern, focused on Mars in Scorpio. Mars is in close sextile with the powerful trine planets Jupiter (in Capricorn) and Saturn (in Virgo). Each of these in turn is in a lose square with one of the remaining planets: Saturn with Venus in Sagittarius, and Jupiter with Mercury in Libra. The Sun and Moon are not connected with the pattern directly, but their presence together in Scorpio brings them into indirect communion with Mars and his retinue. (And, in fact, the Moon will be conjunct with Mars shortly after noon on the 29th.)

Mars is the classical ruler of Scorpio, so he is strongly placed now, expressing his intensity and drive with great determination, either physically or emotionally. Jupiter and Saturn offer pragmatic support. This is a time when our passions can manifest very real change, remaking our personal environment and the interpersonal landscape we travel in. The lightness of Venus and Mercury at this time just causes friction and irritation, as the juggernaut of the three outer planets presses its agenda.

Scorpio energy can sometimes have a destructive intensity, as common sense and others’ feelings fall victim to the quest for drama and the need to obtain one’s desires. Saturn and Jupiter, however, hold some considerable promise of channeling that passion into something productive and practical. This Moon is a valuable opportunity to learn how to use your deeper passions. It’s not a trivial task – those passions are likely to have lots of roots and tentacles reaching into other issues.

But if you take up the challenge to do some emotional excavation work this Moon, it will repay you well.

Questions for this Moon:

What powers my anger?
What do I hunger for?
How does my passion change the world around me?
Shall I give shape to what is hidden?

For more on upcoming full moons and dark moons, see Moon Magic at Starweaver’s Gems from Earth and Sky.


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