Moon Goddess - Leo

Moon Goddess - Leo

Best evening for ritual: February 8 (Sunday)

Theme: Light my fire

This is an intense Moon, where our larger ideals become transformed into very personal, very immediate, and very active realities.

There is a strong sextile between Mars in Aquarius and Venus in Pisces, which could manifest as a strong surge of sexual energy, perhaps focused on someone sharing your vision or ideas, or as a sudden, intense attraction to a new activity or undertaking. Jupiter and the Sun are also in Aquarius, amplifying both the force and the relevance of the upwelling desires.

With the Moon in Leo, there can be a need to receive attention before one can return it. The energy of this Moon can be put to good use if you can find an open channel for reciprocal generosity and reciprocal appreciation. If you focus on a relationship where the flow is one-way, you’ll likely be burned in this heat.

Affirmations for this Moon:

I revel in love and attraction.
I energize my desires.
A bright new light shines in my vision.
I am filled with living flame.

For more on upcoming full moons and dark moons, see Moon Magic at Starweaver’s Gems from Earth and Sky.